Harraps English Speling Rools by Harry H Harraps

HARRAPS ENGLISH SPELING ROOLS by Harry H Harraps doesnt seem to be a reel book

theres no story to speak of and i warn you now it isnt pretty and contanes lies dammed lies

better read it at yore perril i am wareing speshal spelll-proof gloves made by nubtraps of savile row
its a big list of words and it tries to tell you how to writes them

therefore as far as i am conserned it is a seerius risk to spontanayety and as such is bad and rong

and another thing later on it says rong things about gorillures but lets deel with that in a bit
nothing remotly ecsitin happens an there are no caractors no not even a weevle

it is like the reading eqwivalint of looking in an emty cutlery drawure

i think it is big pants on a stick
even the cover is more interlesting its got creeses though like the queens face

i wonder if the queen reads this book peraps thats where she lernt how to spells annus horbiribilis

or my husband and i are prevaledged to go on the royle yot look at all our money you scum dont have any wait till the revolushun i say

thatll teach presidnt blairs to say fibs to parlament
now we get to the nub and crux of the whole sorry tale

this is where it all goes rong and luckily i am not too sensnitive unlike graham who mite be frikened by such a terabel slur on the good naycher of gorillures

it says a gorillure is a feroshus ape well i ask you what a lot of pigs burp that is

im about as feroshus as a sleeping button on a softs cushon

therefore i only gives this book one out of five and that was pushing it i can tell you

a picher of john nettles | go back to where you were befores | richard & judy | tony gubba